Yes, English is spoken on the Isle of Wight. It's the primary language, making it easy for visitors to communicate.
Is there an Isle of Wight Accent?Section titled Is%20there%20an%20Isle%20of%20Wight%20Accent%3F
Yes, the traditional island accent is similar to the rural South of England, combined with unique island slang words.
AccentsSection titled Accents
Nowadays, few people on the Island speak with a true island accent, but there are still those around that speak it. You're more likely to come across it in rural areas, although in some ways it is a generational differnece.
The accent is similar to the rural South of England.
SlangSection titled Slang
Then there's the slang. Like many places, the Isle of Wight has its own set of colloquial terms.
Words like gurt (meaning very or large) and gurt large) pepper conversations when you get talking to a true islander.
If you want to find out more about the Isle of Wight dialect, then this guide to the Isle of Wight Dialect is the one to get. It's a fascinating look at the language of the Isle of Wight.
Are Any Other Languages Spoken?Section titled Are%20Any%20Other%20Languages%20Spoken%3F
While English dominates the linguistic landscape of the Isle of Wight, That's not to say people don't speak a handful of other languages.
I've not been able to find any census data on second languages spoken, but as far as main languages go, the breakdown is as follows. Obviously, this is going to represent first-generation immigration primarily.
As the data shows, the Islands primary minority language is Polish, with Romanian and Filipino also being spoken.
Language BreakdownsSection titled Language%20Breakdowns
Language | Percentage |
English | 98.14% |
Polish | 0.35% |
Romanian | 0.17% |
Filipino | 0.17% |
Spanish | 0.09% |
French | 0.08% |
Italian | 0.07% |
Portuguese | 0.06% |
German | 0.06% |
Bulgarian | 0.05% |
Turkish | 0.05% |
Arabic | 0.05% |
Bengali | 0.04% |
Tamil | 0.04% |
All Other Chinese | 0.04% |
Russian | 0.03% |
Thai | 0.03% |
Slovak | 0.02% |
Lithuanian | 0.02% |
Latvian | 0.02% |
Hungarian | 0.02% |
Dutch | 0.02% |
Mandarin | 0.02% |
Cantonese Chinese | 0.02% |
Japanese | 0.02% |
British Sign Language | 0.02% |
Welsh | 0.01% |
Czech | 0.01% |
Greek | 0.01% |
Swedish | 0.01% |
Danish | 0.01% |
Estonian | 0.01% |
Albanian | 0.01% |
Kurdish | 0.01% |
Urdu | 0.01% |
Hindi | 0.01% |
Panjabi | 0.01% |
Gujarati | 0.01% |
Malayalam | 0.01% |
Sinhala | 0.01% |
Nepalese | 0.01% |
Malay | 0.01% |
Swahilc | 0.01% |
Amharic | 0.01% |
Shona | 0.01% |
Afrikaans | 0.01% |
Other Sign Communication | 0.01% |
By Steve Dumas
Steve has lived on the island his whole life and now wants to share all that he knows.